
How to ensure your Website is Fully SEO Compatible?

The key component of SEO performance is having the ability to track and analyze your website performance. An effective SEO campaign requires regular monitoring and optimizing of the website, specifically based on changes in search engine algorithms, consumer preferences, and other factors that can affect your search engine keyword rankings.

For this reason, it’s important to regularly review your website’s analytics so you can determine what pages are performing properly and where improvements can be made to get better results. It’s certainly a good idea to use real-time analytics such as Google Analytics or Adobe Analytics to monitor overall real-time data and traffic trends.

In addition to tracking metrics such as clicks, page views, time on the page, referring sites, and bounce rate, it’s important that you have a system for reporting the performance of your web pages. This reporting will enable you to accurately gauge the success of individual pages in relation to their expected goals, such as raising conversion rates or increasing organic visibility. When setting up a reporting system for monitoring & tracking your SEO performance, it is always best to ensure you consider these components:

  • Analyze the Organic traffic & ranked keywords
  • Identify keyword ranking opportunities
  • Track keyword rankings over time
  • Set up dashboards and goals for performance tracking
  • Monitor backlinks
  • Monitor competitor keyword rankings and their performance

By setting up proper reporting and monitoring systems, we are using the previously mentioned tips you’ll be able to identify the areas that need improvement quickly – before they become significant problems. This ensures the continued success of any SEO campaign.

It is equally essential to ensure that the backend of your website is SEO-compatible. Understand how it’s built, how the search engine bots can crawl it, and how rapidly your web pages will load. It’s the foundation of your website’s overall rankings and page performance. Here are a few technical SEO tips to help you get started:

1. Generate a sitemap – A sitemap helps your search engine crawlers identify the pages that are available on your site. Your sitemap should include an updated list of all pages, images, and other resources that can be discovered within your website. If you don’t already have a sitemap, there are several free tools available that can help you generate a sitemap for your website.

2. Use HTTPS – Google allows websites with an “HTTPS” protocol a higher ranking in its SERPs. Since they are considered more secure than their “HTTP” counterparts. You can also consider applying an HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Security) protocol. This acts as an additional security layer to keep users safe from hackers when visiting or using your website.

3. Leverage keywords in URLs – Ensure that each URL contains the relevant keywords related to its corresponding page for the best possible SERP results. Additionally, make sure that each URL is profoundly descriptive and accurate so visitors can easily identify what they are looking at especially when they click through the page directly from search engine results, social media posts, and ads that link back to the linking page itself. Including the right keywords in the URL can help you improve your keyword rankings substantially.

4. Enable the indexing of dynamic content — Search engine crawlers cannot “see” dynamic webpages, as they detect them as mere text instead of rich media content (iFrames, photos). To resolve this issue, you must add meta tags within the HTML source code so crawlers can accurately detect and interpret relevant information for indexing the website.

Through these tips, the technical SEO of your website can be performed. This can help you make your website more SEO-compatible for your search engine crawlers to detect the relevant content on your website.