How to create Meta Title and Meta Description?

HTML codes or metadata known as the meta title and meta description tags offer succinct information about a page.

What are Meta Title and Meta Description? Why are they important?


Three crucial locations—browsers, search engine results pages, and external websites like Facebook and Twitter—are made visible by the meta title tag, which provides a brief summary of the content.

You should optimize the title tag for your focus keyword. It helps you in improving your rankings.


 An HTML code of a title tag looks like this:


<title> My Title </title>



The meta description tag gives you a bit more space to tell the users what the page is about and tempt them to click through your site. You describe the value that the webpage gives in the meta description.

Your meta description should contain specific keywords. They help search engines correctly index and rank the page. With a compelling description, you can be benefitted in various ways such as by increasing your website traffic, providing a better user experience, and improving conversion rates.


An HTML code of a meta description tag looks like this:


<meta name= “The description” content= “Sample blog”>



Through metadata, you can have indirect benefits that can lead to a boost in rankings. A captivating meta title and meta description persuade visitors to visit your website. Google will view you as a quality result if there are more clicks to your site.


Tips for creating meta titles

  1. Your meta title should be concise keeping it under 60 characters.
  2. Your meta title should contain the focus keyword, and you should strive to position it as close to the beginning as you can. Keywords and their variations are highlighted in the snippet by Google.
  3. Add modifiers to your title tag which includes how-to, tips, buy, find, top, etc.
  4. You need to write unique meta titles for each page.
  5. By adding your brand name to your meta title tags (if your brand is well-known), you are able to get more clicks.


Tips for creating meta descriptions

  1. Use your meta description to answer the question that people are searching for in Google. Provide a little detail about the rest of the contents of the post.
  2. Tell the number of items or options people will be getting from reading your content. For example: “Discover 3 Ways of making the recipe.. “
  3. Keep your meta description concise and provide a quick summary of your content in 160 characters. Keep it to 130 characters or less to optimize for mobile.
  4. Provide an engaging and eye-catching meta description that matches your content.
  5. Use different descriptions for each piece of information; if you don’t, search engines may consider some of your content to be redundant or of low quality. This impacts your ranking.
  6. Include call-to-actions to entice users to your site.
  7. By downloading several free Chromes extensions, you can check your meta descriptions and get other useful on-page SEO info. For example- SEOquake and META SEO Inspector.



Remember, you are writing for people who will potentially visit your website and not for search robots. Always make your meta tags unique for each page.

Make sure to develop tags that persuade the consumer that your website is the best choice among the competition. By using the above-recommended advice, you may make your website more visible to search engines and improve your ranking for pertinent search terms.

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